Why I Left Medium

Update: I have softened my stance and am now more okay with Medium as a syndication platform.  I just encourage everyone to control their content and to the best of their ability control their own traffic.

So I have previously published pieces about the advantages of Medium (here) and later published a piece about the advantages of using it as a syndication platform, which mostly still stands. However, for me personally I will no longer be using it any capacity.

I wrote an article (note this article is not up for reasons) criticizing a problematic cryptocurrency, this article was distributed by Medium curators, and was up for five months before I finally received this email:

You can review the article yourself but I do not think it was gratuitously abusive, and I do not think harmful is a meaningful metric here.  If any post that could be harmful to a business is taken down then you are effectively eliminating the ability for people to criticize or review.  Once I realized it had been taken down I decided to review their Terms of Service (something I should have done before ever promoting them).  They include in their terms this line right here: Capture.PNG

This blanket statement made me realize that it was no longer going to be a fortuitous relationship for me to allow them to use my content to advance their platform.  I encourage all content creators to control your own domain, control your own hosting if you can (or use one who has committed to being anti-censorship like WordPress), control your own email list, and keep backups of your content.  I did all of these things so this takedown has little effect on me, but I worry about the effect it could have on someone else.


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